
The Cliff Route

The Cliff Route

Experience breathtaking views of the Sopela coastline and its beaches on a two-stage route. Start at Barinatxe Beach or Atxabiribil Beach and explore the cli...
This route is divided into two different stages, although it is possible to do it all in one day. • Leaving the car park at Barinatxe Beach in Sopela, we have to take a track that runs parallel to the cliffs. After 10 minutes we reach an old bunker where we can take good photographs of the entire Sopela coastline and its beaches. Along the whole route we come across different beaches and we can enjoy the cliff landscape. • Leaving the car park at Atxabiribil Beach and skirting around the Sopelmar Estate, we shortly come to a turning to the right, onto a dirt track. Following this route we reach Meñakoz beach. From here, we head towards the town of Barrika, until we reach the residence for the elderly. We will then head down along the footpath that runs parallel to the road until we reach Plentzia.