
Historical tombs trekking

Historical tombs trekking

Discover Bilbao's Iron Belt and seven megalithic monuments on the Historical Tombs Trekking route. Enjoy panoramic views of Unbe, Abra estuary, and Sopela.
At the start of this route, there are remains of Bilbao’s Iron Belt, a defensive structure from the Civil War. The Munarrikolanda dolmen site includes seven megalithic monuments, discovered in diverse campaigns between 1964 and 1981 and appropriately marked and signposted. The route begins behind the Urko football pitches, taking a climbing dirt track, after 200m we branch off to the right and continue upwards through a eucalyptus forest until we meet up with the path which goes right to the summit of Munarrikolanda (marked GR 280 Uribe). From there we can take in a superb panoramic view that encompasses on the one hand Unbe, the Abra estuary mouth and Getxo. On the other hand, Sopela and Cape Billano. The path continues southwards along the crest of the hills. On this route we will come across a total of seven megalithic monuments: In order of appearance: The Saierri tumulus, the Saierri Muinoa tumulus, the Saierriko Landa I dolmen and II tumulus, the Munarrikolanda I and II dolmens and the Goikogana dolmen. The track continues to Eguskiza where we have the option of carrying on to the Unbe heights or to bear right and drop down towards Berango.