The Best of Uribe

At first sight, Urduliz appears firmly rooted in its rural past, still characterised by its scattering of farmsteads across its wide valley floor.
In this fertile river plain there used to abound crops of wheat, corn, beans and grape for txakoli. Today, though less prevalent, the agricultural sector is still present in the township, in the form of the many small allotments and vegetable plots dedicated to traditional crops.
Its gentle slopes make Urduliz the ideal destination for walkers and cyclists, for whom the nature, culture and history of the valley unfold little by little as they explore.
Rock climbers are a common sight on the Peaks of Santa Marina - the ideal location for beginners to try out and learn this sporting activity.
Urduliz also boasts a variety of rural sports, including its famed ox trials which have been held in the town for many years.