The Best of Uribe

Berango sits astride the gentle foothills of the Munarrikolanda, Saiherri and Agirremendi mountains, and the wide river plain of the meandering River Gobela.
With excellent transport connections to Bilbao and the surrounding coastal towns, Berango boasts the Iron Belt Museum with its vestiges of the Civil War, and an important monumental and human heritage, illustrating the varied history of the town's inhabitants since prehistoric times.
Yet another feature of the township are the many and varied fiestas, festivals and cultural events celebrated here. One such event is the Passion of Berango, the only nocturnal passion play in the region, reenacted by over 250 townsfolk, or the Bacalao de Berango, a traditional gastronomic competition to see who can cook the best “pil-pil” cod dish.