The Best of Uribe

If you are looking for authentic countryside, with a charm and character which has remained unchanged by the passage of time, then Gamiz-Fika is your destination.
It is also the chosen destination of many people who have settled here, to enjoy the peace and quality of life, as well as its proximity to more important urban areas.
The work of generations has allowed Gamiz-Fika's rural landscape to remain virtually intact, alongside the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the area. Important elements in this heritage include the complex formed by the church of San Martín and the shrine of Fika, or the church of San Andrés and the Ugarte Tower in Gamiz.
To make the most of your visit to Gamiz-Fika and get to know more about the way of life of its inhabitants many years ago, visit the Errotabarri Mill, still in full working order.