
Walk through Sondika

Walk through Sondika

Explore a scenic hiking trail starting at Sondika Town Hall. Follow the path through oak trees and over a bridge, passing by industrial premises and schools....
We begin the hike at Sondika Town Hall. We go down Aresti bidea and before reaching the roundabout at Errekagane bidea, we take Ola bidea. We continue along this path until it joins Izarza bidea (spring) and after turning right and crossing the bridge over the River Asua, we turn right again towards the Ibaiondo kalea villas. After reaching the Ugalde path, we turn left and follow the path. We leave a steep slope ahead of us that goes up towards Pike bidea and we take a right-hand turn which takes us, among oak trees, along Errotako bidea. We follow this route with no footpath until we reach Zangroiz dam, where we take the first on the right (spring). Now among industrial premises, after a few hundred metres we come to the road which, on the right, takes us to Goronda Beko bidea and passing beside the municipal sports centre and the Goronda Gane state school, we take the gentle slope to the roundabout where we began the route. This route can also be done by bicycle.