
The faith in our neighbourhoods: a walk around our chapels

The faith in our neighbourhoods: a walk around our chapels

Discover the old rites and beliefs of a mountain village through a walk that showcases the origins of customs. Visit chapels and shrines in Libao, Perris, Ge...
A walk that introduces us to a mountain village’s old rites and beliefs and shows us where some of yesterday’s and today’s customs started. We begin our walk in the central district of Libao, where the shrine reminds us of the value of neighbourhood rules and the protection of the Jesus on the Cross. We then carry on through the Perris area until we reach Gereka district, where, at an old crossroads, we come across the Chapel of San Cristóbal. After taking in the panoramic views of the valley, we go down into the Landaguren district. There we discover the chapel dedicated to the Jesuit saint, Luis de Gonzaga, home of the oldest bell in Biscay. We continue on our way through the Baieneta district until we reach the area where the Chapel of Santa Cruz had once stood. We carry on to bow before Andra Mari of Jainko, custodian for many centuries of a holy place, home of a stele dating from before the times of Christ and of the Mother-Saviour. Lastly, dropping down through Orbe and crossing the river, we return to the central Libao district, where we visit the Church of San Martín, safeguard of a late Gothic altarpiece of great artistic value.